Not Just Money:
Equity Issues in Cultural Philanthropy

Not Just Money is Helicon Collaborative's newest research on funding patterns at national and local levels and the demographics of decision-makers in the nonprofit cultural sector. It builds on our 2011 study, Fusing Art, Culture and Social Change.

Our research, supported by the Surdna Foundation, shows that philanthropic resources still disproportionately flow to the largest cultural institutions, and that those institutions do not represent the cultural or demographic diversity of our country. Leadership of philanthropic and large cultural institutions is overwhelmingly white. Meanwhile, cultural organizations whose primary artistic mission is to serve communities of color or low-income communities face distinctive challenges as a result of their context and lack of capitalization.

This has to change, but how?

Read the key findings of Not Just Money and join the conversation on Medium or on Twitter using #notjustmoney.

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Selected media and responses:

MPR Interview

Helicon’s Holly Sidford, McKnight Foundation’s Arleta Little and Headwaters Foundation’s David Nicholson on what the data means for Twin Cities area.

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Diane Ragsdale of the ArtsJournal blog JUMPER asserts that is “time for some moral imagination” and offers three bold suggestions for change.

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American Theatre

American Theatre’s associate editor, Diep Tran, takes a closer look at art funding patterns in Minnesota.

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Dudley Cocke, artistic director of Appalachia’s Roadside Theater, explains that vibrant community cultural hubs are a fundamental necessity for meaningful improvements in the life circumstances of disenfranchised people.

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